The Internet Branch of Godfrey Memorial Library
A Library of Genealogy, History and Biography

Our Collection & Services /

Our Collection

The Godfrey Library’s collection consists of over 200,000 books and periodicals including biographies, genealogies, state and local histories, city directories, cemetery and funeral records, church records military histories, newspapers and family bibles. The capstone of our collection is the American Genealogical Biographical Index (AGBI), an index of more than 4 million names from the more than 800 books in our original collection and the Boston Transcript genealogy query column.

The majority of the library’s material is focused on New England families and history, but there are a great deal of books and periodicals relevant to those researching other states as well as internationally. Also key to international research, the Godfrey Library operates a Family History Center. This branch of the Family History Center Library in Utah gives patrons the opportunity to access a vast repository of microfilms of records from all over the world.

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AGBI Search- Patrons may submit a name to be searched for in the AGBI. Staff and volunteers will send the patron photocopies of the page or pages on which the name appears. Find out more information Here

Research Request- For those who have hit a wall in their research or simply do not know where to start. Our researchers will look through our resources and provide you with the information to answer your questions and suggest next steps. Find out more information Here

Family History Center- Patrons can order and view rented copies of microfilm from the Family History Library in Utah’s collection. Microfilm can be viewed using microfilm readers at the Godfrey Library. Find out more information Here

Godfrey Scholar+, Online Research Tool- For a small fee anyone can subscribe to Godfrey Scholar Plus and gain access to an immense reservoir of online databases to search. Find out more information Here

134 Newfield St, Middletown, CT 06457  ~  Tel: 860-346-4375, Fax: 860-347-9874
© 2011 Godfrey Library. All Rights Reserved.